On October 22, 2020, ILAP’s community of supporters, volunteers, and partners gathered virtually for a Zoom conversation with Phuc Tran, Portland-based educator, classicist, tattooer, and author of the memoir Sigh, Gone. The event, generously sponsored by our friends at cPort Credit Union, may have felt different than in years past, but we hope our sincere appreciation and thanks for our community of supporters came through just as strongly.
Celebrating Sue
Photo credit: Erin Little/Old Port Magazine
We also marked 20 years at ILAP for Sue Roche, our dedicated and fearless Executive Director. Sue joined ILAP as the organization’s first Staff Attorney in 2000 and has led the organization as Executive Director since 2013. Over the last 20 years, she has helped ILAP grow to a state-wide legal immigration services organization reaching over 5,000 people each year. ILAP wouldn’t be what it is today without Sue’s dedication, passion, and vision. From all of us, thank you!