ILAP Staff Give Me Hope

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This photo was taken during an ILAP staff outing last year, before social distancing. A tight knit group then and now, ILAP staff continue to give me hope, during the past several years of harsh immigration policies and increased caseloads, and now as they continue to advocate for Maine’s immigrant communities remotely from their homes.

During the past week, while juggling homeschooling and caring for family members, ILAP staff have gotten a young woman eligible for Special Immigrant Juvenile Status released from detention, guided fearful asylum seekers through their cases, obtained legal status for a domestic violence victim, mentored pro bono attorneys, and created a comprehensive COVID-19 immigration resources website page translated into three languages.

Inspired by our resilient clients, ILAP staff remain dedicated to helping Maine’s immigrant communities during these uncertain times and working towards a more just and equitable future.

-Sue Roche, ILAP Executive Director