The Mix: A Look Into The Problems Within American Diversity

At present, many nations around the world face political, social and economic conflicts that make the mere act of citizens living within their own countries, a fight and a risk for survival. Due to the massive expansion of these conflicts, millions of people have been forced to flee their countries in search of a better life. In particular, America is seen as a beacon of hope for immigrants coming from improvised war-torn situations, given the fact that the U.S. promises job opportunities, education and equality. However, many immigrants are shunned upon arriving in the United States, which is a country filled with the issues of racism, cultural intolerance and huge gaps between stark poverty and unprecedented wealth.

The Mix: A Look Into The Problems Within American Diversity is a collaboration of artwork by Titi de Baccarat and Norajean Ferris, two artists that use their works of sculpture, paintings, drawings and sketches to show the raw reality of these issues. It is within the act of creating and displaying this exhibition at ILAP that the two artists hope to create space for social inclusion, and multiculturalism, thereby spending seeds of social acceptance within both American and global society.

The five images on this page were created by Norajean Ferris. You can explore Titi de Baccarat’s work on his website at

- Titi de Baccarat and Norajean Ferris