ILAP's DREAM Act Sign-On Letter

Maine Organizations and Faith-based Groups Urge Members of the Maine Congressional Delegation to Pass a Clean Dream Act

PORTLAND, ME – The Immigrant Legal Advocacy Project (ILAP) released today a letter signed by 34 Maine organizations and faith-based groups urging Maine’s congressional delegation to support a clean Dream Act.

The letter emphasizes Dreamers’ contributions, both to the Maine economy and to Maine communities. At least 100 Maine residents have been affected by the rescission of DACA. These Dreamers work for Maine businesses, attend Maine colleges across the state, and have deep roots in Maine. If they lose legal status, Maine will lose critical workers, tax payers, and community members.

“Each day, Dreamers get closer to being deported from the only country they have ever known,” the letter states. “It is imperative that Congress passes a clean Dream Act as soon as possible. Dreamers deserve permanent legal status upon which to build their lives here in the United States and Maine.”

“Yesterday, Congress yet again delayed a vote on Dreamers’ futures despite the fact that the vast majority of Americans want these hardworking young people to have a pathway to permanent legal status,” said ILAP’s Advocacy and Outreach Attorney, Julia Brown. “Congress must end this cruel uncertainty and protect Dreamers by passing a clean Dream Act as soon as possible.”

The full letter, sent last week to all members of Maine’s congressional delegation, can be accessed here.