ILAP Statement Condemning April 2020 Immigration Ban

On April 22, the President issued an Executive Order that bars certain immigrants, including parents, siblings, and adult children of US Citizens as well as spouses and children of lawful permanent residents, from entering the United States as immigrants for at least the next sixty days. ILAP strongly condemns this order.

The new policy has nothing to do with its purported aim of protecting our public health and the economy. Rather, the order enacts a goal advanced by the administration for the past three years--slashing family reunification. This order will do nothing to make our country safer or our economy more prosperous. Rather, it will separate thousands of families and damage our economy by blocking entrepreneurs and job creators.

The Executive Order is yet another in a long string of attacks on immigrants including the Muslim Ban, eroding of asylum protections, increased immigration enforcement, and the expanded public charge rule. The President must rescind this anti-immigrant Executive Order.