Tell Your State Legislators: YES on LD 718 to Help Restore Healthcare for All

June 2021

LD 718, An Act To Improve the Health of Maine Residents by Closing Coverage Gaps in the MaineCare Program and the Children's Health Insurance Program, would restore MaineCare for everyone, regardless of immigration status.

Currently, families fleeing persecution and seeking asylum, green card holders who have held their green cards for less than five years, community members without status, and some survivors of serious crimes, among many others, are ineligible for MaineCare. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted racial disparities in Maine. Restoring access to healthcare for all noncitizens is a racial justice issue.

Maine's budget now includes MaineCare for immigrants under age 21 or who are pregnant, regardless of their immigration status. While this represents progress, adults are still NOT covered in the budget. We need our legislators to vote YES on LD 718 and restore MaineCare to our noncitizen neighbors, friends, and community members.

Send a message to your Senators TODAY using this tool from Maine Equal Justice: All means all!