Call State Legislators: YES on LD 2 to Advance Racial Equity

March 2021

Today Maine legislators will be voting on LD 2, a bill that would create a process to assess racial disparities of proposed legislation. If passed into law, LD 2 would be a vital first step toward racial equity in Maine.

As Representative Rachel Talbot Ross, the bill's sponsor, testified: "Racial injustice does not just harm Black, Indigenous and people of color. It harms all of us. As long as there are those among us who are hampered by it, our communities cannot reach our shared potential economically, culturally or intellectually.”

From our friends at Maine Equal Justice:

Please call your Representative and Senator right now with this brief message: "Representative or Senator ________. Please VOTE YES on LD 2 today and set Maine on a path toward racial equity. I will be checking to see how you voted."

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