ILAP Rejects Biden Administration’s Proposed Rule that Erodes Due Process for Asylum Seekers


ILAP issued the following statement in response to the Biden administration’s announcement of a proposed rule aiming to restrict access to asylum:

“The Biden Administration’s latest proposed rule yet again threatens due process by attempting to unjustly fast track deportations for some arriving to the U.S. in search of safety. The proposed changes would strip individuals seeking asylum of the opportunity to access critical legal advice or counsel, erode due process for the most vulnerable, and likely result in harmful racial profiling, leading to unwarranted deportations – while doing nothing to increase safety. Rushing individuals through an unjust process leads to unjust outcomes, leaving those most in need of safety and protection without access to justice,” said Sue Roche, Executive Director of the Immigrant Legal Advocacy Project (ILAP).

“The proposed rule remains starkly at odds with the vision for a just and humane asylum system ILAP and advocates across the country are calling for. It is both possible and necessary to welcome people with dignity and ILAP remains steadfast in our support of asylum seekers and the legal right to seek asylum.”
