ILAP Condemns Biden’s Decision to Effectively Close the Border to Asylum Seekers


In response to President Biden’s June 4 announcement that his administration will take steps to effectively close the border to asylum seekers, ILAP released the following statement:

“President Biden’s latest attack on asylum seekers is extremist, deadly, and wholly illogical on a policy level,” said Lisa Parisio, the Immigrant Legal Advocacy Project’s Policy Director. “We know, without question, that effectively shutting down the border and denying people their right to seek asylum under U.S. law does not stop them from needing or seeking safety and security. It only forces them to take more dangerous and deadly journeys to reach U.S. soil or leaves them trapped in harm’s way while stranded in Mexico waiting for a chance to exercise their rights. ILAP calls on the administration to immediately reverse course, to pursue policies that respect and protect the lives of asylum seekers, and to focus resources on processes that uphold people’s legal rights and human dignity.”
