Leave a Legacy, Make a Meaningful Difference

#Halfmydaf Challenge

Over $234 billion sits in Donor Advised Funds (DAFs) across the country. In 2020, Jennifer & David Risher started the #HalfMyDAF movement to inspire more giving and put those funds to work for nonprofits.

Do you have a Donor Advised Fund (DAF)? If you make a grant to ILAP and commit to spending down half the money in your DAF, we will be eligible to receive matching funds from #HalfMyDAF.

#HalfMyDAF will make dollar-for-dollar matches of up to $10,000 each with four matches of $25,000 out of a pool of $2.1 million in unrestricted grant funding.

Since 2020, the #HalfMyDAF community has awarded over $50 million in grants. The more donors who commit to spending down at least half of their DAF and give to ILAP, the more likely we are to receive a match.

ILAP welcomes the opportunity to talk with you about your charitable goals. Contact Development Director Laura Simocko any time at lsimocko@ilapmaine.org or 207-699-4407 (direct line).