ILAP launches the Detention Project and begins conducting group legal rights orientations at Cumberland County Jail.
ILAP experiences a 450% increase in the number of asylum seekers needing legal assistance and struggles to meet demand.
ILAP successfully advocates for the passage of a state law creating criminal penalties for human traffickers and civil remedies for survivors of human trafficking, including immigrants.
ILAP receives Preble Street's Community Partner Award.
ILAP joins Facebook!
ILAP institutes monthly group orientations on some common topics, including naturalization and information for newly arrived refugees.
In response to numerous reports of racial profiling, especially from Latine clients, ILAP successfully advocates for the passage of a bill to begin to address bias-based profiling by law enforcement in Maine and is named to the resulting Advisory Committee.
ILAP presents at the first Access to Justice Day in Augusta, an annual day of action in support of civil legal aid in Maine.
ILAP joins Twitter!
ILAP’s Pro Bono Panel grows to 70 members dedicating more than 5,000 hours of their time, and dozens of volunteers who donate more than 2,000 hours of their energy and expertise.
The first of three ILAP'd a 5k Road Races brings out runners to raise funds and awareness for ILAP.
ILAP hires its first staff attorney focused on asylum and managing the Pro Bono Panel.
ILAP creates the India Street Society, a giving society for community members who provide crucial financial leadership in helping ILAP accomplish its mission.
ILAP partners with Coffee by Design for Beans of Peace 2011, the sale of which benefits ILAP.
ILAP expands services for immigrant children and youth, taking on more Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS) cases and helping eligible Mainers apply for the new Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program .
Membership in ILAP's Pro Bono Panel surpasses 100 attorneys donating more than $850,000 of their time each year.
ILAP receives a Certificate of Appreciation from the Burundi Community Association of Maine.
ILAP and the Refugee & Human Rights Clinic at the University of Maine School of Law publish the first edition of a pro se manual for people applying for asylum without an attorney and, in subsequent years, offer monthly workshops and create an accompanying video series.
ILAP celebrates more than 70 Maine residents becoming U.S. citizens at Ocean Gateway in Portland for Citizenship Day.
ILAP staff traveled to Washington D.C. with the American Immigration Lawyers Association’s New England Chapter for the annual National Day of Action.
Due in part to advocacy by the Asylum Seekers Working Group, which ILAP is a member, U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services open a Boston Asylum Office with jurisdiction over Maine cases.
ILAP begins to see an increase in the number of unaccompanied minors seeking immigration legal assistance.
ILAP celebrates Andi Summer becoming a fully accredited representative approved by the Department of Justice to represent clients before the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR), which includes the immigration courts and the Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA).
ILAP participates in #GivingTuesday for the first time.
ILAP joins with MIRC and Maine Equal Justice to defend access to emergency and safety net benefit eligibility at the state and local levels for asylum seekers and other immigrants.