ICE Must Release Immigrants From Detention

June 4, 2020

The government systematically deprives tens of thousands of immigrants of liberty by incarcerating them in detention facilities, including immigrants from Maine. Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, abuses and medical neglect have been systemic, and people have died from that neglect in Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE) custody.

Social distancing is not happening in detention centers. There is no way to flatten the curve once a case of COVID-19 enters a facility. People who are currently incarcerated in these detention facilities are protesting and trying to make their voices heard.

As of May 30, nearly 1,500 detained immigrants tested positive for COVID-19, which is surely the tip of the iceberg. Compare that with around 600 positive tests on May 5.

ICE has released small numbers of individuals from its custody since the pandemic started, but it needs to release as many immigrants possible immediately.

At ILAP, we know firsthand that almost everyone currently in detention has family or community who wants them home, where they can practice social distancing and flatten the curve. There is absolutely NO reason for people to be detained due to civil immigration violations.

The Federal Immigrant Release for Safety and Security Together (FIRST) Act, introduced by Representative Jayapal and Senator Booker, has not gotten much attention, but it would help by mandating the following:

  • The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) must release individuals who are at a heightened risk of vulnerability to COVID-19 due to age or preexisting conditions.

  • DHS must then review the files of everyone in custody and authorize their release unless they can prove that someone must continue to be detained.

  • DHS must provide basic health and sanitary supplies, as well as telephone access, to anyone remaining in custody.

  • Border Patrol and ICE must suspend interior enforcement during the pandemic, particularly enforcement in sensitive locations like hospitals.

Time is running out. This bill was introduced in mid-April, and COVID-19 is spreading in detention centers. Immigrants must be released immediately!

All you need to do is take five minutes and call Maine’s congressional delegation. Tell them that you want them to speak out on behalf of the FIRST Act or similar legislation. Tell them that DHS must immediately release people from its custody and suspend immigration enforcement in light of the seriousness of the pandemic. Thank you for your action!

  • Senator Susan Collins: 202-224-2523

  • Senator Angus King: 202-224-5344

  • Representative Jared Golden: 202-225-6306

  • Representative Chellie Pingree: 202-225-6116