The Golden Door: March 2023

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30,000 Comments Later: Asylum Ban Updates

This past month ILAP joined thousands of organizations and individuals around the nation in calling on the Biden administration to withdraw it’s plan to implement a new, deadly asylum ban at the U.S.-Mexico border. In only 30 days, more than 30,000 public comments were submitted!

We call on the administration to put in place policies that uphold human rights, U.S. international treaty obligations, and offer people meaningful access to safety and protection. We know from current and past policies that banning access to asylum only forces people into more dangerous journeys to the U.S. or leaves them stranded in unsafe conditions at the border.

Just this week, news broke that more than 35 migrants needlessly died in a fire just across the border from El Paso, Texas. We hold them in our hearts and honor their lives and stories as we continue our work. A just and accessible asylum system is possible. Creating new pathways to protection is possible. When we fall short, it is up to us to hold our elected leaders accountable. Thank you to every member of the ILAP community and beyond who submitted a comment opposing the asylum ban.

Here in Maine, we are proud and grateful to stand with partner organizations who are stepping up every day to welcome and serve newly-arrived people, despite being stretched to capacity (and beyond). We remain clear and firm that local resource challenges in Maine and across the nation must be met with resource solutions, not gutting human rights.

Learn more about the asylum ban and ILAP’s work this past month:

Check out ILAP's new Advocacy in Action page for more!

Rep. Pingree Introduces Asylum Seeker Work Authorization Act 

ILAP applauds Representative Pingree for introducing the Asylum Seeker Work Authorization Act of 2023 in the House last month with updated language.

The bill would allow asylum seekers to apply for work permits 30 days after submitting an asylum application, reducing the current federally mandated 150-day waiting period. It would also take new key steps to address massive processing backlogs at U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) by providing work authorization for the duration of an applicant’s asylum case. This measure would ensure that asylum seekers don’t experience gaps in work authorization due to federal delays and help Maine businesses hire and keep workers.

The waiting period for work permits for asylum seekers continues to be a major topic across Maine. This past month, the Maine legislature voted on bipartisan legislation seeking a path to get around federal law to allow asylum seekers to apply for work permits sooner. While under our system of government, states cannot override or secure carveouts to federal law (unless a federal law exists which permits that), these efforts demonstrate widespread support for federal change.

Separately, the cities of Portland and Westbrook joined a national effort calling on the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to use its existing authority to address work permit backlogs and take other steps to help asylum seekers receive work permits sooner.


All Means All! ILAP Joins Efforts to Expand Access to MaineCare for Immigrants

ILAP submitted testimony in support of LD 199, a bill that would remove barriers to healthcare based on immigration status and expand access to MaineCare for all who qualify.

In our testimony, ILAP shared stories of some of our clients and the human impact that lack of access to healthcare has on individuals, families, and communities. Thank you to Speaker Talbot Ross for sponsoring and to our friends at Maine Equal Justice and Presente! Maine, along with the many other organizations and individuals working to advance this crucial legislation.


You can join us in supporting this critical legislation by sending an e-postcard to your legislators:

ILAP’s Executive Director Testifies on Access to Justice Day

ILAP’s Executive Director, Sue Roche, testified before the Maine Judiciary Committee on why Maine must increase funding for civil legal aid so that all people can access justice, not just the wealthy. Having an attorney in a civil case can determine whether a family can stay housed, a person experiencing domestic violence can escape abuse, or a person in need of asylum can secure life-saving humanitarian protection. Read ILAP’s testimony here.

Shout out to the legislation’s sponsor, Senator Anne Carney, and our partners in Maine’s Justice Action Group for their incredible work on this campaign.

And, there’s still time for you to show your support for LD 564! Take a few minutes to contact your representative in support of civil legal aid today:


Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for Somalia

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) published the Federal Register Notice opening registration and re-registration for Somalia TPS. Current Somali TPS holders must re-register before May 12.

Find more information:

Legal Resource Roundup: Tax Tips for Noncitizens

Taxes in the U.S. are due Tuesday, April 18. ILAP released a video earlier this month with important information about taxes for non-citizens in Maine. Check out our multilingual videos and additional resources below!

Trusted tax resources:

Local Event Spotlight: Justice for Women Lecture

The University of Maine School of Law's 12th annual Justice for Women Lecture is coming up next month on April 26th!

This year's lecture will feature Patrícia Campos Mello, an editor-at-large at Folha de São Paulo newspaper and an associate research scholar at Columbia University, on "Sexism, Lies and the Fight for Truth: A Reporter's Story." The lecture will be in person at USM's Hannaford Hall. Registration is free!

ILAP in the News

Executive Director Sue Roche voiced ILAP’s strong support of Congresswoman Chellie Pingree’s introduction of the Asylum Seeker Work Authorization Act of 2023 in Amjambo Africa. Read Congresswoman Chellie Pingree's full press release here.

The Portland Press Herald reported that the Maine legislature is considering a bill (LD 564) that would provide much-needed funding for civil legal aid providers, including ILAP. The Portland Press Herald Editorial Board along with the Bangor Daily News Editorial Board spotlighted this issue, both encouraging the legislature to pass LD 564.

In response to a letter Senator Susan Collins’ sent to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Executive Director Sue Roche talked with News Center Maine, making it clear that no one seeking safety should be prevented access to protection.

Nonprofit Point named ILAP #1 on their list of “Best Immigrant Charities.” Uno TV also included ILAP in their list of recommended immigration organizations that provide free legal support to immigrants in the U.S.

Maine Public News Connect covered ILAP's response to Susan Collins' letter to DHS and the Biden Administration's asylum ban, along with other important news in French, Portuguese, Spanish, Somali, and English . Find more translated news here!