The Golden Door: November 2023
Action Alert: Say NO to Dangerous Anti-Asylum Proposal in Funding Negotiations
Join ILAP in pushing back against efforts in the Senate to use asylum seekers as political pawns and trade extreme anti-asylum policies at the border for funding for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan.
The right to seek life-saving asylum asylum is NOT a political bargaining chip.
Take action TODAY to urge Senators King and Collins (or your state Senator) to protect the right to seek asylum. Click the button below to send your Senator a message and/or call using the sample script.
How to Call:
Call the Congressional Switchboard: (202) 224-3121.
Ask to be transferred to Senator King’s office.
Call back and ask to be transferred to Senator Collins’ office.
Sample Script:
"Hello, my name is [NAME], and I am your constituent residing at [ADDRESS]. I am alarmed by efforts to gut asylum protections in exchange for funding for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan.
I urge [Senator NAME] to reject any proposal that would take away the right to seek asylum or make it harder to seek protection. It is unacceptable to agree to anti-immigrant proposals that counter our values as a country and our legal commitments to refugees and asylum seekers. Please protect the right to seek asylum."
ILAP and Partners Launch #LetAsylumSeekersWork Campaign
Last month, ILAP and partners across the country launched the #LetAsylumSeekersWork campaign aimed at reducing the amount of time asylum seekers have to wait for work permits.
Under current law, asylum seekers must wait 6 months (and more with federal government processing delays) to apply for a work permit after they’ve submitted their asylum application. Representative Pingree of Maine and Representative Salazar of Florida are championing bipartisan legislation in the House which would reduce the waiting period and take other key measures to help employers and individuals. When asylum seekers are allowed to work, we all win.
Show your support by taking action at the button below - and don’t forget to select that you heard about this campaign from ILAP!
False Hopes: Over 100,000 Immigrant Youth Trapped in the SIJS Backlog
Across the country, thousands of immigrant youth are trapped in the Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS) backlog, leaving them without stable access to housing, work, medical care, and unable to apply for federal student aid.
On December 4th, the End SIJS Backlog Coalition and Tulane Law School’s Immigrant Rights Clinic are releasing a new report on the backlog. Join the launch event to learn about the report's findings and hear from a directly impacted youth.
Faith Leaders and Organizations Across the Nation Join Call for TPS for the Democratic Republic of Congo
More than 130 faith organizations and leaders raised their voices calling on the Biden administration to immediately designate Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for the Democratic Republic of Congo. TPS is a blanket protection designated for a country when safe return is impossible. It protects those already in the United States at the time of the designation.
Read the Catholic Legal Immigration Network’s full press release here.
Celebrating Partners with #GivingTuesdaySpotlight Series
ILAP continued our Giving Tuesday tradition of spotlighting partners and fellow Maine organizations, with a focus on immigrant- and BIPOC-led efforts and those supporting immigrants in Maine.
Because behind every immigration case is a network of support. And behind every social justice movement is a community.
For those who supported ILAP or another Maine organization this Tuesday, thank you! If you didn’t have the chance to give in some way, we hope you’ll check out our #GivingTuesdaySpotlight series and consider supporting ILAP and our partners.
What a Night!
It was an honor to gather with so many from across ILAP’s community to celebrate our 30th anniversary during our Journey Toward Justice event last month. Thanks for being part of our journey toward justice!
Special thanks to the Bilad El-Sham Ensemble for an unforgettable performance and to Ned Warner Photography for capturing the magic of this night. For more photos, a full list of our event partners, and three ways to continue our journey toward justice, visit!

ILAP in the News
Executive Director Sue Roche talked with the Portland Press Herald about the launch of the #LetAsylumSeekersWork campaign and why it's important for ILAP's clients and Maine's community. In another article, Sue explained why supporting Representative Pingree’s proposed federal legislation is crucial in reducing wait times for work permits.
The Boothbay Register featured a story on the importance of legal advocacy for domestic violence survivors, highlighting New Hope Midcoast and their partnership with ILAP to support immigrant survivors.
The Portland Press Herald shared photos and a recap of the Journey Toward Justice event, which raised $60,000 in support of ILAP's programs. "The fact that ILAP has been providing free legal services for 30 years is amazing. It’s older than Google," said ILAP board member Jenny Beverly, pictured here.
30th Anniversary Report
We are pleased to share ILAP’s latest Annual Report with you.
This 30th anniversary special-edition annual report reflects on ILAP’s history, highlights our impact, includes a full list of supporters from 2022, and demonstrates how support like yours advances our journey toward justice
Interested in a printed copy? We are happy to send one in the mail to you. Email to request a printed report.
ICYMI: ILAP's Fall Newsletter is Here
The latest issue of ILAP's Immigrant Beacon newsletter is available! Find it in your mailboxes, read it online, or download as a PDF.
Inside this Issue: