Contact Maine's Senators: Demand a Pathway to Citizenship in Build Back Better

December 2021

The Senate parliamentarian issued yet another negative advisory opinion on the provision that would have allowed millions of undocumented people the opportunity to obtain work permits and be protected from deportation. The parliamentarian’s decision is not binding, and we urge Senate Democrats to bypass the parliamentarian and include pathways to citizenship in Build Back Better.

2022 is the year to secure a win for immigrant communities. Democrats must deliver on their promise to keep families together and create new pathways to citizenship in the United States. We will keep fighting until all Maine families can prosper, regardless of where they were born.

2022 is the year for a pathway to citizenship! Call or email Maine’s Senators and demand that they support a pathway to citizenship in Build Back Better:

Senator Susan Collins: 📞 (202) 224-2523 📩

Senator Angus King: 📞 (202) 224-5344 📩

If you live outside of Maine, you can find your representatives here