ILAP Welcomes, Farewells, & News
BIENVenUE! Wilkommen, Welcome!
Don Wilkinson, Esq.
ILAP is excited to welcome Don Wilkinson, Esq. as our Rural Maine Project Attorney. After teaching in the U.S. and internationally, Don worked in Portland as a housing case manager for veterans experiencing homelessness. He graduated from Maine Law, where he spent his last semester working in the Refugee and Human Rights Clinic. Don speaks Spanish and French.
Jaimie Mulligan
We are also thrilled to welcome Jaimie Mulligan to ILAP’s staff as the Operations and Administrative Assistant. She previously lived in Virginia, working in the nonprofit sector to support local literacy and increase food security. Jaimie moved to Maine in 2019 and was most recently a Billing Specialist at Martin’s Point Health Care.
César Britos
We are proud to welcome César Britos, Esq. to ILAP’s Board of Directors. Originally from Paraguay, César moved to Maine in the ‘90s. He represented agricultural workers as an attorney at Pine Tree Legal Assistance before joining Unum, where he currently serves as Managing Counsel. He served on ILAP’s Board from 2001-07 and we are thrilled to welcome him back!
Farewell & Well Wishes
ILAP said goodbye to Danny Muller, who provided invaluable financial and technological expertise and staff support for 5+ years. Among other work, Danny was instrumental in transitioning ILAP to remote work and supporting the launch of our Asylum Assistance and Legal Orientation Project. He now serves as the Finance and Operations Director at the Maine Coalition Against Sexual Assault. Thank you for your passion and deep commitment to ILAP’s clients, Danny!
After many years supporting ILAP’s asylum assistance and education work part time, Felix Hagenimana transitioned to focus on his growing private immigration law practice. A born teacher, Felix touched the lives of countless ILAP clients and community members. While we will miss Felix on staff, our community is lucky to continue benefiting from his expert legal mind and dedication to immigrant communities in Maine.
Our heartfelt appreciation goes out to Eben Albert, Jenny Beverly, and Deanna Harnett, who recently stepped off ILAP’s Board of Directors after years of dedicated service. We are grateful to Eben for continuing his involvement with the Development Committee. Thank you to Eben, Jenny, and Deanna!
Paula Esteves graduated from the University of Maine School of Law this May! Paula first joined ILAP as a Racial Justice Fellow and dedicated much of her last year in law school to her continued work with ILAP. We are excited to announce that she will be joining our staff as an attorney this fall. Congratulations, Paula!
ILAP participated in Well-Being Week in Law, an annual initiative to raise awareness about mental health and encourage action. ILAP planned themed activities throughout the week, offering opportunities for staff to recharge and connect. During one activity, staff assembled 70+ care kits for Maine Needs.