Family Reunification

Family-based immigration has been the bedrock of the United States immigration system for more than 50 years, fostering the creation of diverse, resilient communities across the country. It allows close relatives of US citizens and legal permanent residents (“green card holders”) to immigrate to the United States if they meet certain requirements. ILAP is proud to be a part of this history and helps reunite families across Maine each year.

Refugee and Asylee Relative Petitions

Individuals who have been granted “refugee status” or “asylum” by the United States government are eligible to petition for their spouse and children under age 21 to join them. Unfortunately, in many cases families were separated by violence and forced migration, and need assistance re-establishing contact with loves ones abroad. ILAP works with families to locate their relatives in other countries, and then to file the appropriate paperwork for their immigration to the United States.


Relative Petitions and Affidavits of Support

US citizens and legal permanent residents can petition to have their immediate relatives and other family members join them in the United States. This process is governed by different policies based on the immigration status of the person filing the application and their relationship to the family member who is immigrating. The vast majority of ILAP’s clients do not have an income of at least 125% of the Federal poverty level, which is required to show that your family in unlikely to become a “public charge” depending on the government. To overcome this hurdle, ILAP works with families to put together their applications and an affidavit of support from a sponsor who meets the income requirement.