Posts in Call to Action
Proposed Regulation Attempts to Decimate Asylum - Comment by July 15

Submit a comment to protect asylum in the United States. The Department of Homeland Security and the Executive Office for Immigration Review posted a proposed regulation that would decimate asylum law and humanitarian protections. Tell the administration why we must preserve the right to asylum. Submit a comment by July 15th, 2020.


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ICE Must Release Immigrants From Detention

Take five minutes and call Maine’s congressional delegation. Tell them that you want them to speak out on behalf of the Federal Immigrant Release for Safety and Security Together (FIRST) Act or similar legislation. Tell them that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) must immediately release people from its custody and suspend immigration enforcement in light of the seriousness of the pandemic.

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Take less than five minutes to advocate for Maine immigrant families!

So far, federal COVID-19 relief legislation has left out low- and middle-income immigrant families in devastating ways, including access to healthcare and economic relief. Right now, Congress is crafting the next relief package. Making our voices heard today and next week could make a difference, particularly with the Senate version.

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