request an appointment with ilap
Learn how to request an appointment with ILAP and what types of immigration cases ILAP can help with.
How Do I request an appointment with ILAP?
At this time, we have filled all our appointments for the month. Please check back at the beginning of next month.
ILAP aims to connect as many Maine immigrants with legal support as possible. We are a small organization that receives many new requests each week and are unable to help everyone. Even if your legal question is listed below, we may not be able to help you. The availability of intake appointments and the types of cases we accept can vary depending on changes in immigration law and policy, the existing caseload of our legal staff, and the number of people requesting help.
To request emergency immigration help:
Email ILAP at in your language
Come to ILAP’s Portland office on Thursday March 27 between 10:00AM-12:00PM at 489 Congress Street 3rd Floor, Portland, ME 04101
Come meet ILAP at Lewiston Adult Education on Thursday March 20 at 12:30PM at 145 Birch Street, Lewiston, ME 04240 (Left side of Building)
* We are not able to assist with help finding an asylum lawyer at this time.
You can find links to helpful legal resources below.
Thank you for your patience and understanding!
Do I qualify for ILAP’s services?
ILAP only assists with immigration legal questions. Our services are either free or low cost. We only serve low-income Maine residents who cannot afford to hire a lawyer. You will be asked about your household income in order to request an appointment.
If you are seeking immigration assistance, but believe you are over our income guidelines, you may contact us at or call us at 207-780-1593 and we can provide a referral list of private immigration attorneys in Maine.
ILAP is only able to serve people who live in Maine. If you live in another state, please visit our Contact Other Organizations page to locate services in your area.
What types of immigration cases can ILAP help with?
ILAP is currently accepting requests for appointments for some types of immigration cases for immigrants who live in Maine and cannot afford to hire a lawyer. We may be able to help you if:
You are under 21 years old AND you do not have both of your parents supporting you here in the U.S.
You do not have permanent immigration status AND are experiencing or have survived domestic violence, human trafficking or another serious crime that happened in the U.S.
You are experiencing or have survived domestic violence by your U.S. Citizen or Green Card holder spouse, parent or child
You need to reopen your case in immigration court
You need to move your case to the Chelmsford Immigration Court
You have a case in immigrant court AND believe you are eligible for Cancellation of Removal or Nicaraguan Adjustment and Central American Act (NACARA)
Additionally, ILAP may be able to schedule a limited number of consultations for asylum seekers with cases in immigration court. To determine if we can help, ILAP staff will need to ask you questions about your upcoming filing deadlines and hearing dates
You are on an Order of Supervision AND need to apply for or renew a work permit
You were granted Withholding of Removal AND need to apply for or renew a work permit
You have DACA or TPS AND need to apply to renew your work permit
You are in the U.S. as a parolee from one of these countries:
Click here for more information about asylum work permits.
You have had a U or T visa for three years AND want to apply for a Green Card
You are a refugee AND want to apply for a Green Card after living in the U.S. for one year or more
You were granted asylum at least one year ago AND you want to apply for a Green Card
You need to renew or replace your Green Card
You have a 2-year Green Card and need to apply to remove the conditions to receive a 10 year Green Card AND you have been abused by or are divorced from your spouse
You were recently granted asylum AND want to apply for your spouse or child under 21 to join you in the U.S.
You recently entered as a refugee AND want to apply for your spouse or child under 21 to join you in the U.S.
Your spouse or child under 21 is from one of these countries and you want to apply for them to join you in the U.S.:
You need to apply for a Certificate of Citizenship because you became a citizen through your parent
You want to apply for asylum AND you do not a have a case in immigration court AND your one-year-deadline to file is in 5-12 months from now
Additionally, ILAP may be able to schedule a limited number of consultations for asylum seekers with cases in immigration court. To determine if we can help, ILAP staff will need to ask you questions about your upcoming filing deadlines and hearing dates
You are a citizen of a country designated for TPS AND you believe you are eligible to register or re-register for TPS. Click here to find a list of TPS designated countries.
You need to apply for or renew your DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) application
You do not have a permanent status in the U.S. and you would like to know if you have any options to stay in the U.S. permanently
You received a request for more evidence on a case that ILAP helped you with AND still have at least 30 days to respond
You want to understand the consequences of your criminal history on your immigration status
Even if your legal question is listed above, we may not be able to help you.
What if I do not speak English?
ILAP offers interpretation for all phone or online calls (Skype, Zoom, Whatsapp etc.) If you do not speak English, French, Portuguese, Lingala or Spanish you can call us for an appointment at 207-780-1593, press 0, then press 0 again, then leave a message with your language and phone number and we will return your call with an interpreter. You can also e-mail us at
What services does ILAP offer?
If you qualify for ILAP’s services and complete an Intake appointment, legal staff or volunteers may be able to:
Meet with you to answer questions and give you advice about U.S. immigration laws and processes and your immigration status.
Help you fill out immigration forms and applications, and give you advice on how to collect the documents that you will need to send in with these forms.
In some cases, represent you at an Immigration office or in Immigration court.
Due to our limited capacity, ILAP cannot help with visas sponsored by employers or visas to study in the United States. We also cannot help with non-immigration law cases; please visit our Contact Other Organizations page for other legal services in Maine.
All ILAP services are by appointment only.
Be careful when getting help with your immigration case! Beware of people in Maine who try to trick immigrants by pretending to help with immigration cases. These people can steal your money and hurt your immigration case.
The best way to protect yourself is by having information about what these people do and being careful about who you allow to help you with your immigration case.